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How do I refund a transction on Android?

  1. Tap the menu key from the New Transaction screen and select Transactions from the available options.
  2. Tap the transaction you wish to refund.
  3. View the receipt and verify the information from the transaction to confirm that you want to perform a refund.
  4. Tap the menu key and select Refund from the available options.
  5. Enter the amount you wish to refund. If tax is enabled, it will be automatically calculated into the refund amount. Verify the last four digits of the card number and tap Refund.
  6. Tap Ok to the credited/voided message and then tap the back button to be taken back to the main transaction screen.

If performing a refund for a transaction that has not been settled, ‘VOID’ will show for the transaction. If the transaction has settled and you perform a refund, ‘($X.XX)’ will show on the transaction screen for the amount of the refund.

When performing a refund for a partial amount and you receive an error, this may indicate the transaction has not settled and can only be voided by refunding the entire amount. Partial refunds can only be processed on a fully settled transaction. To avoid this error on recent transactions, simply void the entire amount, and make a new transaction for a smaller amount.

Ready to start accepting credit cards? Get Started